Monday 5 June 2017

PTV SPORTS CONAX KEY 100%working 2017 June


A26849d01758f7692b51dc10915f9c06231efb107be888c14fda8220a2366de0 , B742aff7f5d8c0bbaba6669b3169497d4c6ed0e 433f5de023b2687e840b6dafd

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Graphene beyond the hype

The wonder material. It’s just one atom thick but 200 times stronger than steel; extremely conductive but see-through and flexible. Graphene has shot to fame since its discovery in 2004 by UK-based researchers Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, for which the University of Manchester pair were awarded the 2010 Nobel prize in physics.

New explosive is powerful but greener

One of the most powerful non-nuclear explosives to date has been synthesized by scientists in Germany, who say the compound, and its more thermally stable potassium salt, could be more environmentally benign replacements for some common primary explosives.

Skinny Jeans Gave Woman Nerve and Muscle Damage

A woman in Australia who spent long hours squatting while wearing skinny jeans experienced muscle damage in her legs that was so severe it impaired her ability to walk, according to the new report of her case.

Sugary Drinks Kill 184,000 People Every Year

Sugary drinks cause 184,000 deaths worldwide annually, including 25,000 deaths in the United States, according to a new study.
The finding — a revised estimate of numbers first presented at a scientific meeting in 2013 — represents a tally of deaths from diabetes, heart disease and cancer that scientists say can be directly attributed to the consumption of sweetened sodas, fruit drinks, sports/energy drinks and iced teas.
The numbers imply that sugary drinks can cause as many deaths annually as the flu.